TV & Home Theater Calibration Logo
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AV Systems of Maine |Bowdoinham, Maine 04008
Phone: (207) 666-8966
When a manufacturer wraps a TV in a box, they have to assume the worst and figure it will go on display in a showroom, hence they set it up to look good under those conditions. Think about that a second. A showroom is bright & tends to get that light from either florescent or mercury vapor lighting. This light is greenish or pinkish, which sucks the blue from a TV display, screws up the rest of the colors, & tends to wash out the colors. Cameras have had the same problem for years, film came in outdoor & indoor versions & your digital camera has AWB or Auto White Balance.

When you bring that TV into your home, unless you have decorated the room with the equivalent of street lamps, the colors & brightness will be off. Also the signal quality & strength from each video source vary, along with all the menu setting inside those components. Many DVD players, Game Systems etc come out of the box set in "lawyer mode". This means that the volume, sound range etc are limited to prevent damage to other components & speakers. The systems will work, but not very well, and not to their full potential. There are also many different ways to connect up this equipment as you can tell from those big manuals that come with the equipment. What may be listed as the best way may not be the best for the way you want to use it.

Scared yet? That is NOT the intention. Once you understand that the manufacturers have not been in your house, seen your  room, or interviewed you on how you are going to use it, but instead have given you many options to tune it to your needs, you see where we come in. We do all those things that they can not. Think of it as tuning a piano, we tune your Home Theater.

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What we will do:

What we won't do:

We want you to have fun with your Home Theater, that's why it's called entertainment.

PS: No promises on those chocolate chip cookies though.

TV Calibration
flat Panel Calibration
Theater Calibration Software
TV & Flat Panel Calibration
Surround Sound Calibration
Audio & Speaker Calibration
Tuneup your Theater to Perfection
Copyright 2011: AV Systems of Maine. Maine Home Theater. All Rights Reserved.
(207) 666-8966 |